Botanical Illustration – Biodiversity University
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontThis class will focus on botanical illustrations at all scales, from the whole plant down to its smallest parts. At times we’ll practice with magnification, measurements, maps, and diagrams to expand our techniques. We’ll work primarily with graphite pencils and technical pens, and move into watercolor and colored pencils on our final day together.
Summer Nature Romp
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontWeekly on Sunday Mornings — June through August 10 am - noon | Adults and families welcome FREE | No registration required This new, weekly gathering is about exploring nature together and sharing in the discoveries offered up by the landscape. Each outing features a different loose theme, facilitated by rotating NBNC staff. The outing…
Robin’s Nest Nature Playgroup
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontTuesdays, March 14 - June 6 | 10:00 - noon | Robin’s Nest Nature Playgroup is a free, weekly activity for families to gather, learn, and play in nature. Guided by the idea that children need to spend ample time outdoors, we offer a community experience in the world of nature and will model ways the natural environment can be used as a tool for learning and play.
Inclusive Kayaking Outing with Northeast Disabled Athletics Association, South Hero Land Trust, and North Branch Nature Center
Lake Iroquois VT, United StatesThis adaptive kayaking series is an opportunity for community members who want to learn about kayaking or get back out on the water, but can’t use a standard kayak, to use an adaptive kayak with support. Naturalists from North Branch Nature Center will join the outings to help create a deeper experience for the paddlers.
Vermont Master Naturalist for Educators
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontThis course for middle and high school educators is a unique collaboration between North Branch Nature Center and Vermont Master Naturalist. It is a place-based, integrated training in interpreting the local landscape and applying that training to 5th-12th grade classrooms and curricula. Each day immerses in a different ecosystem, exploring the pieces, patterns, and processes driving local ecology. We’ll practice field-based activities and classroom-based extensions aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and Proficiency-Based Learning frameworks.
Songs and S’mores
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontCome join us for an evening of songs and s’mores as we gather around the campfire to share each other's company and revel in the joy of summer! This is a family friendly event and we welcome people of all ages!
Slow Birding – Biodiversity University
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontSounds a bit strange, “slow birding.” Watching birds isn’t really fast in the first place and the pace of a birder in the field is already slow and methodical. But, it is possible to change how we approach traditional birding and what we get out of it. Slow Birding is a practice that builds a deeper observation of birds while at the same time creating a deeper connection to yourself and the place you live.
POSTPONED – Habitat Restoration Volunteer Day at NBNC
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontThis summer we are continuing to restore habitat by removing invasive plant populations, caring for newly planted trees, and maintaining beaver deterrents. Look forward to meeting and learning about plants native to our riparian habitats and enjoy caring for the land in the company of fellow nature lovers. We will need plenty of volunteers to help get this work done!
ECO Institute: Nature-Based Routines for Outdoor Classrooms
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontFor elementary and middle school educators. The purpose of this ECO introductory course for elementary and middle school educators is to apply integrated academic curricula beyond the classroom, while immersing in and participating with nature as a learning partner. The course provides inquiry-based learning through intensive experiential lessons, activities, and discussions held entirely outdoors.
Backpacking in the Green Mountains (Grades 7-9)
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontOn this 5 day backpacking trip, our team of participants will learn the basics of wilderness safety, backpacking/camping techniques, and navigation along with camp craft such as cooking, site selection, Leave-No-Trace ethics, and Team & Leadership skills.
NBNC Member Night
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontPlease join us for our first ever NBNC Member Night! This free event will be a casual, fun evening for members to get to know each other and NBNC staff and board members.
Summer Birding with NBNC (Cancelled July 21)
A casual morning of birding suitable for all interests and experience levels. Meet fellow bird enthusiasts, kindle new friendships, and enjoy a supportive environment where questions and shared discoveries are encouraged.
Mosses and the Dry-rich Community – A Northern Forest Atlas Day Course
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontQuarry Hill is a dry low-elevation marble hill with an exceptionally diverse flora. Marble hills rare in the Northern Forest Region. Some of the best are in western New England. This one, which has been famous botanically since the early 1900s, is one of the best of the best. We will focus on limestone mosses and also look at some distinctive woody plants, herbs, and indicators. A Northern Forest Atlas day course hosted by NBNC's Biodiversity University.
ECO Institute: Natural History Fundamentals for Educators
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontFor elementary and middle school educators. This goal of this course is to deepen our understanding of the natural landscape and learn how to utilize this knowledge to build a partnership with the land that meets the needs of all students. Participants will develop a foundation of natural history knowledge through immersive study of bird language, tree and plant identification, wild edible safety, geology, and stream ecology. We will practice techniques for achieving a deeper level of inquiry and observation in nature while learning hands-on methods for embedding this knowledge into outdoor lessons and making classroom connections. The routines that we build throughout the week are designed to deepen your class’s sense of place within the outdoor learning environment.
Songs and S’mores
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontCome join us for an evening of songs and s’mores as we gather around the campfire to share each other's company and revel in the joy of summer! This is a family friendly event and we welcome people of all ages!
Old Forest Ecology – Biodiversity University
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontThe course will provide an introduction to old forests, including their forms, functions, and inhabitants. Each day will explore an old forest field site in Northern Vermont, combined with time back at NBNC to share slides and discuss concepts in a classroom setting.
ECO Institute: Nature-Based Routines for Outdoor Classrooms
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontFor preschool and kindergarten educators. This course applies early childhood learning curricula beyond the classroom, while immersing in and participating with nature as a learning partner. The course provides inquiry-based learning through intensive experiential lessons, provocations and discussions held entirely outdoors.
Paddling in the Adirondacks (Grades 7-9)
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontOn this 5 day canoe trip, our team of participants will learn boating safety, paddling techniques, and navigation along with camp craft such as cooking, site selection, Leave-No-Trace ethics, and Team & Leadership skills.
Wasps of New England – Biodiversity University
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontThis course will teach people how to easily identify wasps to family level while out in the field, and by the end of it our most ubiquitous, as well as many of our lesser-seen wasps will be easily identified by the participants. The course will take place primarily out in the fields and woods of the expansive land of North Branch, but will also be offset by short lectures to learn the distinguishing morphology of the wasps we encounter.
Songs and S’mores
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontCome join us for an evening of songs and s’mores as we gather around the campfire to share each other's company and revel in the joy of summer! This is a family friendly event and we welcome people of all ages!
Art Gallery Reception – Patty Meriam: The Longest Branch
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontPlease join us at North Branch Nature Center for an evening celebrating Patty Meriam's artwork. Tour the gallery, meet the artist, and enjoy some refreshments.
The Shores of the Winooski – A Northern Forest Atlas Day Course
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontA one-day course in low-water and floodplain grasses, sedges, and woodies along the lower Winooski River. Vermont has about forty species of late-blooming sedges (mostly), rushes (a few) and grasses (even fewer) that are best sought on river and lake shores in late summer and fall. They are a distinctive and fascinating flora; the lower Winooski is one of the best places to find them and learn them. A Northern Forest Atlas day course hosted by NBNC's Biodiversity University.
Mushroom ID and Ecology – Biodiversity University
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontIn this course, participants will explore the diversity and ecological importance of the kingdom of fungi. Over this two-day course, participants will learn the fundamentals of mushroom identification through a combination of classroom and field experience. Topics include fungi ecology, taxonomy, field identification, morphology, edibility, toxicity, fungi as medicine, bioremediation, utilitarian function, as well as ‘best’ harvesting practices.
Fall Birding at North Branch Nature Center
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontA casual morning of birding for all interests and experience levels facilitated by NBNC staff and guest leaders. These outings are about enjoying, learning about, and spending time with wild birds. No binoculars? No ID guide? No problem! The only requirement is an appreciation of birds (though we do have binoculars for those who would like them). All fall outings take place at NBNC.
Shorebirds, Seabirds, and Songbirds on Cape Cod
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontAfter the summer beach crowds clear out, Cape Cod is certainly for the birds. Shorebirds, seabird, raptors and songbirds are plentiful on the Cape, and migration is in full swing. his trip is about watching, enjoying, and studying seabirds and shorebirds among a community of like-minded nature lovers under the leadership of a first-class guide and educator.
Monarch Butterfly Tagging (Cancelled)
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontJoin NBNC naturalists as we search for monarch butterflies around the nature center. Learn about their amazing migration and life cycle while we tag and measure the butterflies as part of Monarch Watch, the nationwide community science project that monitors this declining species.
Fall Tree Identification with Jonathan Shapiro
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontLearning to identify trees can be a powerful way to connect to your local landscape. They are big, charismatic, and always around us, and knowing who they are provides a baseline of ecological understanding for the rest of our surroundings. Join Jonathan Shapiro of Fox Paw School for a dive into tree ID, focusing on a pattern-based approach that we are hardwired to understand. We'll talk about tree silhouettes, branching patterns, leaf shapes, bark, and more, and you'll leave with the observational skills to learn not only trees, but the rest of your landscape as well. By meeting in three different seasons, we'll have the opportunity to see how trees' lives change throughout the cycle of the year, and how they fit into the broader ecological context of our North Woods home.
ECO Homeschool (Aged 6 – 12) Early Fall Session
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontEach Monday, the woods and fields of North Branch Nature Center will be our classroom, where students will learn by doing, using all five senses to engage with the landscape through standards-based lessons led by our talented ECO Education staff. ECO Homeschool Sessions will consist of age appropriate games, songs, stories, and activities that are designed to help students directly engage with the natural world and the organisms that we share this land with.
Cape May & Delmarva Birding with Chip Darmstadt
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontExplore this extraordinary birdwatching paradise during one of its most exciting times to visit. With over 430 total species observed, and over 330 species seen this time of year, Southern New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula are home to some of the greatest avian biodiversity in the northeast.
Trekkers & Explorers Afterschool Program (Fall 2023)
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontLet your kids be kids at NBNC. Our Explorers and Trekkers programs offer kids time to explore the woods and fields, play stealth and awareness games, and learn outdoor skills with their peers. Both age groups (6-8 and 9-13) focus on learning by doing, using all five senses. Thoughtful and loosely directed play in the woods helps kids develop a sense of place while unwinding with a peer group. Through cooperative games, exploration of various habitats, and team-building challenge projects, Trekkers and Explorers build a communal love for the outdoors, making NBNC the place to be after school!
Fungi Fest!
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontFungi Fest is a full day community celebration of all things fungi. Join us for mushroom walks and forays, children's games, activities, & crafts, learn how to identify mushrooms, get involved with the VT Mycoflora community science project, and attend presentations by regional professionals. In the evening, enjoy a reception and celebration at the Fungi Themed Art Show featuring local artists from across the state of Vermont.
Art Gallery Reception – Fruits of the Forest Floor
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontPlease join us at North Branch Nature Center for an evening celebrating our fall art exhibit, Fruits of the Forest Floor. This mushroom-themed group show includes painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, fiber arts, ceramics, jewelry, and more by artists from across New England!
Wild Art Workshop
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontWild Art is a form of dialogue between you and the world beyond your skin; a means of expressing what you sense inside yourself and what you attune to around you. We will first engage in a sensory awareness practice, then go onto the land to be in conversation with the plants, animals, and wild elements. Utilizing the ancient art form of the mandala, we will create our own expressions of wholeness, attentiveness, and relationship to the Wild, inside, and out.
NBNC Trails Grand Opening Celebration
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontSeptember 30 | 11 am - noon American Sign Language interpreter provided RSVP Requested | RSVP HERE Please join us for the grand opening of our new Universal Access Trail and even-newer Nature Connection Trail! We will gather at 11 am for a ribbon-cutting and refreshments, and then invite folks to explore at their own…
Public Owl Banding Demonstration
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontJoin NBNC biologists as they capture, tag, and release these pint-sized predators. NBNC naturalists and educators will also discuss the highlights of recent research here and across the country, then share what’s been discovered about this mysterious little owl.
Mason Goes Mushrooming (FULL)
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontAfter a short mushroom meander on the trails, Melany Kahn offers an animated reading of a first-of-its-kind children’s foraging adventure book, Mason Goes Mushrooming. The reading will be followed by an interactive Q&A. Melany will have a selection of wild and cultivated mushrooms available for the kids and their adults to discover. They will be able to touch, smell, and learn the different traits of mushrooms. A cooking demo and tasting with Melany sharing how to get that delicious umami flavor will round out the afternoon.
Queer Owl Banding Night
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontSeptember is Pride Month in Vermont, but nobody told the owls! Every October NBNC biologists capture, tag, and release Northern Saw-whet Owls as part of a national network of scientists working to better understand their migration. Join them to meet these pint-sized owls and nerd out with local LGBTQ+ nature enthusiasts.
Public Owl Banding Demonstration
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontJoin NBNC biologists as they capture, tag, and release these pint-sized predators. NBNC naturalists and educators will also discuss the highlights of recent research here and across the country, then share what’s been discovered about this mysterious little owl.
Public Owl Banding Demonstration – FULL
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontJoin NBNC biologists as they capture, tag, and release these pint-sized predators. NBNC naturalists and educators will also discuss the highlights of recent research here and across the country, then share what’s been discovered about this mysterious little owl.
Public Owl Banding Demonstration
North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VermontJoin NBNC biologists as they capture, tag, and release these pint-sized predators. NBNC naturalists and educators will also discuss the highlights of recent research here and across the country, then share what’s been discovered about this mysterious little owl.