W e believe that all people need and deserve access to nature, and we understand that real barriers exist. Part of our work in removing these barriers involves cultivating outdoor spaces where all people can feel welcomed and safe. Our stewardship work at NBNC has become intentional about considering who is/isn’t being served well by our space, and managing the landscape to better welcome a more diverse community. Our 5-year ecological restoration plan centers on replacing invasive species with edible shrubs and trees, and nurturing a wild edible landscape or “food forest.” The orchard is a centerpiece in our stewardship plan, and we look forward to showcasing this site as a place where food security, biodiversity, gardening, conservation, and social justice can function symbiotically.
The community fruit orchard was planted in April 2022, and is sited in the upper field along Elm Street, where anyone can come enjoy the trees and harvest fruit for free. With the help of our friends at Elmore Roots Nursery, we’ve chosen 20 apple, pear, plum, peach, and cherry trees that are low-maintenance varieties which will be resilient to climate change and thrive in Vermont now and in the future. These nine-foot tall saplings will begin producing fruit within a couple years, and will provide shade, habitat, and ecological services immediately!
We invite you to support the community orchard by adopting one of the first 20 trees. Your $200 donation will cover the cost of the tree itself and also support its continued care as you watch it grow and enjoy its shade and fruit.
Many thanks to the many organizations and volunteers who assisted with the installation of the orchard, including: Elmore Roots Nursery, The Vermont Garden Network, 350Vermont, the Montpelier Tree Board, the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, The North Branch Community Garden, Vermont Master Gardeners, Just Basics Inc., The Vermont Compost Company, and Gardener's Supply Company.
Location of the orchard along Elm Street

Connecting People with the Natural World