Amphibian Road Crossing Program – Ecology & Training Night (Virtual)

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Join North Branch Nature Center scientists to learn about our Amphibian Road Crossing program, and find out how you can help Vermont’s frogs and salamanders safely cross the road during their annual spring movements.

ECO Homeschool Early Spring Session (Ages 6 – 12)

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Each Monday, the woods and fields of North Branch Nature Center will be our classroom, where students will learn by doing, using all five senses to engage with the landscape through standards-based lessons while directly engaging with the natural world and the organisms that we share this land with.


Natural Selections: A NBNC Fundraiser

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

An evening of poetry, prose, music, and photography featuring Scudder Parker, Angela Patten, Bryan Pfeiffer, Ruth Einstein, and D. Davis. A Fundraiser for North Branch Nature Center.

Monthly Birding Outing (Berlin Pond)

A casual morning of birding for all interests and experience levels at various locations around the Montpelier area. Spend time enjoying our resident wild birds!

Birding Basics Class

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Become a better birder! In this three-part class, you’ll develop a breadth of knowledge and skills to better appreciate Vermont’s common and not-so-common birdlife. Instructed by Chip Darmstadt


Teen Wildcrafting Circle – Spoon Carving Basics

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

The Wildcrafting Skills Circle is a place for youth 13+ to learn ancestral skills, connect with peers, and explore their creativity. Each session is led by NBNC naturalist educators who guide students through a different skill.


April Break Camp 2025

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Explore spring at North Branch Nature Center! Children grades K-3 are invited to join us for three days of spring nature adventures and explorations. We’ll make art using natural materials, explore the fields and forest for signs of wildlife, try our hands at wild edible cooking, and  give back to the land in celebration of Earth Day.


ECO Homeschool Late Spring Session (Ages 6 – 12)

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Each Monday, the woods and fields of North Branch Nature Center will be our classroom, where students will learn by doing, using all five senses to engage with the landscape through standards-based lessons while directly engaging with the natural world and the organisms that we share this land with.


The State of Fungi: Community Science in Action

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Join Dave Muska to discuss the fungi of Vermont! This presentation will discuss the unique roles fungi play in our bioregion, what efforts are underway to better understand and conserve these fungi, and how you may contribute to mycologists’ efforts through community science.

Spring Birding (Locations Vary)

A casual morning of birding for all interests and experience levels facilitated by NBNC staff and guest leaders. These outings are about enjoying, learning about, and spending time with wild birds. No binoculars? No ID guide? No problem! The only requirement is an appreciation of birds (though we do have binoculars for those who would like them).

Curious About Planned Giving?

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Do you value nature-based education, stewardship, equity, and community? Do you want your values to live on through future generations? If so, Planned Giving is for you! Join us for a free learning event on how to incorporate charitable giving into your long-term financial plans, all while enjoying tea, treats, and the good company of other NBNC supporters.

The Northern Forest Atlas Traveling School of Botany & Ecology

White Creek Field School White Creek, NY, United States

The school will be part course and part seminar: We will teach plant identification through classes and field work, and study ecology as a group by exercises and discussions. Our field sites will be about a dozen wild Northern Forest habitats: rich woods, ledges, fertile coves, rich and poor fens, cedar swamps, boreal forests, granite hills, a large acid bog and a giant raised one, a river delta and swamp forest, and a dry-rich ledgy hill. It will we staffed by Jerry Jenkins alongside a rotating pool of five instructors—the best botanists in the north woods.

Cape May Spring Migration- Northeast Birdwatcher’s Paradise

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Birding in Cape May and southern New Jersey during spring migration is legendary! With over 430 total species observed, and over 330 species seen this time of year, Cape May is home to some of the greatest avian biodiversity in the northeast. May in southern New Jersey offers an abundance of everything: migratory warblers in the shrubs and forests, birds of prey cruising overhead, and shorebirds along the beaches and backwaters.


History on the Land – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Discover how to “read” old forested farmscapes and agricultural architecture to trace 300 years of land use history in Vermont.


Spring Mushroom Outing

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Join NBNC naturalist and educator Dave Muska for a morning mushroom outing to learn about local fungi and mushrooms, what they’re up to, and how you can contribute to the Fungi of Vermont Community Science program. 


Forestry for Naturalists – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

How can cutting down a tree be a radical act of compassion? This course explores the complex, nuanced, and sometimes contradictory world of ecological forestry from a naturalist's perspective.


The Northern Forest Atlas Traveling School of Botany & Ecology

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

The school will be part course and part seminar: We will teach plant identification through classes and field work, and study ecology as a group by exercises and discussions. Our field sites will be about a dozen wild Northern Forest habitats: rich woods, ledges, fertile coves, rich and poor fens, cedar swamps, boreal forests, granite hills, a large acid bog and a giant raised one, a river delta and swamp forest, and a dry-rich ledgy hill. It will we staffed by Jerry Jenkins alongside a rotating pool of five instructors—the best botanists in the north woods.

The Art & Science of Nature Observation – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

The not-so-simple act of observation is a lost art. Join accomplished artist Libby Davidson and naturalist and writer Heather Fitzgerald to practice slowing down, nurturing your creativity, deepening your understanding of the natural world, and strengthening your connection to place.


The Northern Forest Atlas Traveling School of Botany & Ecology

Groton State Forest Groton, VT, United States

The school will be part course and part seminar: We will teach plant identification through classes and field work, and study ecology as a group by exercises and discussions. Our field sites will be about a dozen wild Northern Forest habitats: rich woods, ledges, fertile coves, rich and poor fens, cedar swamps, boreal forests, granite hills, a large acid bog and a giant raised one, a river delta and swamp forest, and a dry-rich ledgy hill. It will we staffed by Jerry Jenkins alongside a rotating pool of five instructors—the best botanists in the north woods.

Educator Institute: Nature-Based Routines for Outdoor Classrooms

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

For elementary and middle school teachers. The purpose of this ECO introductory course for elementary and middle school educators is to apply integrated academic curricula beyond the classroom, while immersing in and participating with nature as a learning partner.


ECO Institute: Natural History Fundamentals for Educators

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

For elementary and middle school educators. This goal of this course is to deepen our understanding of the natural landscape and learn how to utilize this knowledge to build a partnership with the land that meets the needs of all students. Participants will develop a foundation of natural history knowledge through immersive study of bird language, tree and plant identification, wild edible safety, geology, and stream ecology. We will practice techniques for achieving a deeper level of inquiry and observation in nature while learning hands-on methods for embedding this knowledge into outdoor lessons and making classroom connections. The routines that we build throughout the week are designed to deepen your class’s sense of place within the outdoor learning environment.


The Northern Forest Atlas Traveling School of Botany & Ecology

Paul Smith's VIC Paul Smith's, NY, United States

The school will be part course and part seminar: We will teach plant identification through classes and field work, and study ecology as a group by exercises and discussions. Our field sites will be about a dozen wild Northern Forest habitats: rich woods, ledges, fertile coves, rich and poor fens, cedar swamps, boreal forests, granite hills, a large acid bog and a giant raised one, a river delta and swamp forest, and a dry-rich ledgy hill. It will we staffed by Jerry Jenkins alongside a rotating pool of five instructors—the best botanists in the north woods.

Vermont Master Naturalist for Educators

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

This course for middle and high school educators is a unique collaboration between North Branch Nature Center and Vermont Master Naturalist. It is a place-based, integrated training in interpreting the local landscape and applying that training to 5th-12th grade classrooms and curricula. Each day immerses in a different ecosystem, exploring the pieces, patterns, and processes driving local ecology. We’ll practice field-based activities and classroom-based extensions aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and Proficiency-Based Learning frameworks.


Capturing Shadows with Cyanotype Printing – Art Workshop with Katama Murray

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Experiment with natural patterns and mindful making through this hands-on workshop focused on cyanotypes! This class will explore the basics of cyanotype printing techniques with fabric and paper to create a series of prints and fabric patches.


The Northern Forest Atlas Traveling School of Botany & Ecology

Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center West Brattleboro, VT, United States

The school will be part course and part seminar: We will teach plant identification through classes and field work, and study ecology as a group by exercises and discussions. Our field sites will be about a dozen wild Northern Forest habitats: rich woods, ledges, fertile coves, rich and poor fens, cedar swamps, boreal forests, granite hills, a large acid bog and a giant raised one, a river delta and swamp forest, and a dry-rich ledgy hill. It will we staffed by Jerry Jenkins alongside a rotating pool of five instructors—the best botanists in the north woods.

Gardening for Biodiversity – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Traditional gardens are often pretty, but rarely beneficial to the plants, pollinators, birds, and other creatures in our landscape. Gardening for Biodiversity is about rethinking and revaluing these traditional landscape aesthetics, and designing ecologically functional gardens that contribute to local ecosystems.


Mushrooms: Field Identification and Fungal Ecology – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Mushrooms have fascinated and mystified humankind for ages. From ancient origin stories and shamanic practice to modern systematic analysis, fungi captivate us. In this course, participants will explore the diversity and ecological importance of the kingdom of fungi.


North Woods Natural History – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

A weekend of natural history investigation through the lens of the North Woods! Northern Vermont is situated in the overlap zone between the temperate deciduous forest to our south and the boreal forest to our north.


The Northern Forest Atlas Traveling School of Botany & Ecology

Ausable Point State Park NY, United States

The school will be part course and part seminar: We will teach plant identification through classes and field work, and study ecology as a group by exercises and discussions. Our field sites will be about a dozen wild Northern Forest habitats: rich woods, ledges, fertile coves, rich and poor fens, cedar swamps, boreal forests, granite hills, a large acid bog and a giant raised one, a river delta and swamp forest, and a dry-rich ledgy hill. It will we staffed by Jerry Jenkins alongside a rotating pool of five instructors—the best botanists in the north woods.

Northwoods Paddling in Maine

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

The West Branch of the Penobscot River offers a wilderness paddling experience rich in wildlife, history, and nature immersion. Guided by NBNC Executive Director Naomi Heindel


Mammal Ecology, Taxonomy & Natural History – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

This field-based course will cover the natural and cultural history of mammals in Vermont, with a focus on techniques to observe and identify species in the field. Topics will include mammal evolution, behavior, and topics in current and historical conservation, as well as techniques for observing reclusive mammal species using camera or audio recorders.
