ECO Institute: Natural History Fundamentals for Educators
July 21 @ 9:00 AM - July 25 @ 4:30 PM
$1300Instructors: Ken Benton & Ash Kerby-Miller
July 21 – July 25
$1300 ($1750 with 3 graduate credits)
Class Size: 12-20 students
For elementary and middle school educators
This course is a natural history deep dive tailored to the unique needs of teachers interested in building a greater familiarity with the environment in which they teach. Participants will:
- Build a framework for viewing the land and its inhabitants that relieves the discomfort of not knowing how to identify everything.
- Become familiar with common birds and their song, basic tree and plant identification, wild edible safety, geology, and stream ecology.
- Practice seasonal lessons and routines that deepen a partnership with the land and align with NGSS and Common Core.
- Practice strategies for bridging the gap between learning that takes place outdoors and in the classroom.