Native Pollinators – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

When it comes to pollination, honeybees get all the attention, but most of the credit belongs to a diverse group of organisms that call New England home. There have been over 350 species of wild bees identified in Vermont to date, and they – along with myriad moths, butterflies, wasps, beetles, flies, and birds – are responsible for pollinating ~80% of flowering plants and ~66% of food crops.


Champlain Beach & Delta Botany by Boat – Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Instructors: Grace Glynn & Jerry Jenkins August 30-31, 2024 | $285 Course size: 12 students Financial support available (contact us) Part of NBNC's Biodiversity University series. More Information & Registration


Old Forest Ecology- Biodiversity University

North Branch Nature Center 713 Elm Street, Montpelier, Vermont

Old forests capture a special place in our imagination, and they provide important ecological functions, especially in a changing climate. In this course, we will visit some of the few remaining patches of old forest in Vermont.


Japan’s Winter Birds & Culture

Winter in Japan is a fairytale of stunning birdlife, fascinating wildlife, dramatic landscapes, and magnificent culture.