Our Trails

Universal Access Trail

NBNC added a new ADA-compliant trail in August 2023. Originating at the parking lot trailhead pavilion, this trail meanders around the meadows and Community Garden in a loop with beautiful views and excellent access to nature and wildlife watching.
0.3-mile loop.
Surface & Features
Compacted crushed stone. Variable surface in winter. Two benches along the way.
Tread Width
Typical: 5'
Minimum: 4' (occasional)Grade
Typical: 0%
Maximum: 6%Cross Slope
Typical: 0-2%
Maximum: 6% (occasional trail edges)
Other Trails

NBNC's grassy paths are a great place to enjoy the meadows and river. These mostly-flat trails explore the meadow perimeter. Head over the bridge in the southeast corner to access many more miles of the Montpelier and East Montpelier trail system.
0.9 miles of trails on the NBNC side of the bridge, not including the UA Trail.
Surface & Features
Mowed grass and compacted dirt. Variable surface in winter and when wet. One 5' wide boardwalk. Several benches.
Tread Width
Typical: 4-5'
Minimum: 2' (on wooded side trails)Grade
Typical: 0%
Maximum: 9% over two 40 ft sections.Cross Slope
Typical: 0-2%
Maximum: 8% (occasional)
The Nature Connection Trail

The Nature Connection Trail comprises a series of eight interpretive panels around the trail network. Along the trail, we invite you to tune in to what you see, hear, feel, smell, and even taste, as you follow this trail and learn about the waters, ecosystems, and inhabitants of this land, past and present.
To visit the Montpelier Parks Department's map of Hubbard Park and North Branch River Park, click the button below.
Connecting People with the Natural World