By Zac Cota, NBNC Teacher-Naturalist While a biting north wind and freezing ocean spray may not sound like an ideal midwinter getaway for most, they made for excellent bird watching…
Read MorePouring rain, icy roads, and thick fog tested the endurance and commitment of the 45 birders who joined this year’s Plainfield Christmas Bird Count. Despite the foul weather, birders managed…
Read MoreWe are pleased to invite you to check out Arts Correspondent Mary Gow’s feature in The Rutland Herald on Adelaide Murphy Tyrol’s art gallery, “Anatomy of a Pond,” on display…
Read MoreBy Chip Darmstadt, Executive Director In about a year, I’ll be stepping down as NBNC’s Executive Director. By then I’ll have had the privilege of overseeing the organization’s growth for…
Read MoreBy Sean Beckett, NBNC Staff Naturalist For awe and amazement in Vermont’s forests, fall foliage has got nothing on “Stick Season.” What November lacks in sumptuous, kaleidoscopic colors, it makes…
Read MoreCheck out this article about our work with the Community College of Vermont, just featured in their NOW News Magazine! Kudos to CCV alum and NBNC Teacher-Naturalist Zac Cota for…
Read MoreRachel Mirus’ Scientific Vermont Blog features NBNC’s Amphibian Road Crossing Program this month. Head over to her website, “Rachel’s Cybercabinet of Natural Curiosities” to read all about it! This wonderful…
Read MoreBy Claire Gilbertson, VT Master Gardener Following a suggestion from Chip Darmstadt, director of the North Branch Nature Center, the Master Gardeners developed an herb garden for the pollinators this…
Read MoreBy Ken Benton, NBNC Teacher/Naturalist The old sheep field that comprises the majority of the NBNC property comes alive every summer with the sweet scent of blossoming flowers and the…
Read MoreBy Emily Seiffert, NBNC Communications Manager One exciting outcome of NBNC’s ongoing capital campaign is the formation of a robust and organized natural history lending library. Working cheek-to-jowl as we…
Read MoreConnecting People to the Natural World