
— Tom Slayton

“In a world that more and more needs nature’s healing and restoration, North Branch Nature Center is a treasure for all Vermonters.”

About Us

Welcome to NBNC


S ince 1996 North Branch Nature Center has evolved to become an integral part of outdoor recreation and learning in Central Vermont, serving 15,000 people annually. Our 28-acre preserve of forest and fields is nestled in a gentle bend of the North Branch of the Winooski River, just two miles from downtown Montpelier. Popular year-round as a quiet place to walk, ski, swim, or simply to do nothing beside the river, NBNC welcomes visitors of all ages to attend year-round programs and festivals, all designed to get people outside and immersed in nature. Powerful, personal experiences in nature are central to our goal of cultivating current and future generations of environmental stewards.


Our Mission:
Connecting People with the Natural World

Our Shared Commitment

Take care of yourself. Take care of others. Take care of the earth.

We strive to help people feel welcomed, oriented to the landscape, engaged, inspired, safe, and part of our community. 

We expect that all who enter this shared space do so in the spirit of welcoming kindness, inclusivity, respect, and curiosity.

We ask that our visitors and participants share this commitment while at North Branch Nature Center. 

If you experienced or witnessed an instance of this commitment not being followed by our staff, participants, or visitors, we would like to know. All responses will be kept anonymous and confidential unless you request otherwise.

Injured Animals?

North Branch Nature Center is not a wildlife rehabilitation facility, and we unfortunately cannot accept injured animals. If you have an injured bird, please contact the Injured Bird Hotline of Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee, VT at 802.359.5000 x212. For other injured animals, please consult the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources' Wildlife Rehabilitator Locator Map to find the facility nearest to you.

We know that handling injured animals can be stressful for both you and the animal, so please don't hesitate to call us if you need assistance.

Our Staff


Naomi Heindel
Executive Director

Emily A. Seiffert
Deputy Director

Ana Maria Arroyo
VHCB AmeriCorps Naturalist Educator

Sean Beckett
Program Director

Ken Benton
Director of Education

Chelsea Clarke Sawyer
Communications Coordinator

Chip Darmstadt
Birding Ambassador

Matt Delligatti
Finance & Development Assistant

Lauren Esserman
Finance & Administration Director

Megan French
Forest Preschool Teacher

Harriet Hart
Forest Preschool Co-Teacher

Ash Kerby-Miller

Victoria Lee

Fiona Modrak

Dave Muska

Jenna Plouffe
Forest Preschool Director

Carrie Riker

Emily Sloan
Office Manager

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”

—Rachel Carson

North Branch Nature Center

713 Elm Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
(802) 229-6206

Hours: Center Open Monday-Friday 9-4
Trails Open 24/7