The NBNC Team


Harriet Hart

Forest Preschool Co-Teacher
Contact Harriet

Harriet is a transplant from the Yorkshire Dales National Park, United Kingdom. Days spent rambling on the moors, mucking about in streams and down caves led them to the understanding that everything is better if you just go outside. Harriet has worked in early childhood nature-based programs across three states and in private and public school settings, holding the roles of director, lead teacher, consultant, mentor, and workshop facilitator. They hold a Masters in Education with a certificate in nature-based early childhood education from Antioch University, New England. Harriet is committed to listening to childrens’ stories, telling their own stories, and inspiring their colleagues to experiment with storytelling. They enjoy making art, vegetable gardening, exploring the woods with their family, and having a nice cup of tea outside.

Ask Harriet about: Forest Preschool, and gardening with young children.
North Branch Nature Center

713 Elm Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
(802) 229-6206

Hours: Center Open Monday-Friday 9-4
Trails Open 24/7