North Branch Nature Center's Wish List

Got stuff? Thanks for thinking of NBNC when you're shopping for birdseed, cleaning out your folks' garage, or looking for a place to donate household, lab or office equipment. Please review this list and give us a call with any questions, or if you have something you think we might want that you don't see listed here. Generally you can just drop by with donations whenever we're open (Monday - Friday, 9 - 4), but for ongoing needs (birdseed and firewood), please contact us first: [email protected] or (802) 229-6206 ext. 100. Thank you!

Technology & Equipment

Relatively new laptops
Flatscreen computer monitors
Binoculars (in perfect working order)
Dissecting Microscopes
Compound Microscopes
Point-and-shoot digital camera
biltmore stick, forestry prism
power strips
short extension cords

Cothing & Gear

Kids XC skis/boots
Ice grippers (Yaktrax, etc.)
Ski or walking poles for icy trails
Kids rain boots and other rain gear
Kids snow boots and other snow gear

Household & Program Items

An evaporator for sugaring
Natural History books (see details:
Indoor trash cans
Presentation easels
Sturdy clothes hanging rack for outdoor gear - and hangers
Large to very large pulleys



Web development

Furniture & Tools

Desks (small wooden and/or stand-up convertible desks)
Wooden bookshelf
Table/desk lamp, floor lamp, wall-mounted lamp
Tall chair for stand up desk
Comfortable office chairs in very good condition
Small wooden table, end table
Large T square
Hack saw
Impact driver
House painting brushes