By Amy Butler

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for teachers, students, schools, and families. One response has been increased interest in outdoor learning as a safer alternative to traditional classrooms. Over the past year Inside-Outside: Nature-Based Educators has produced three position statements aimed at helping schools embrace outdoor learning year round. These statements highlight the benefits of outdoor learning that go far beyond reduced virus transmission. They also provide sample schedules for outdoor school days, ideas for community solutions to local challenges, and advice on keeping kids safe and comfortable outdoors in cold weather. The most recent statement celebrates some of the successes of the past school year and makes a strong case for continuing outdoor learning post-pandemic. You can read the statements here:

Statement One: Outdoor Learning Opportunities for Healthy Students

Statement Two: Outdoor Learning in Cold Weather

Statement Three: Growing Benefits of Outdoor Learning

About Inside-Outside: 

Inside-Outside is a collaborative, national network of educators and educational institutions who share a passion for outdoor learning with children. We connect and partner together to confidently, safely, and joyfully venture outdoors to teach and learn with nature. 

Amy Butler, NBNC Director of Education, is a founding member of I-O and now serves on the Advisory Group for I-O. NBNC also hosts the monthly Central Vermont Chapter meeting of I-O, which is free and open to the public.